
Archive for April 2009

I was at my friend’s party last night. Of course, along with the course of meal also comes course of memory talks. Then, it was brought up again… me, being the most competitive.

True. I am always competitive. Whatever I am involved in, I put on a game face. Whether it is to play sports, card games, mah-jongg, mind game or merely just playing wii, I am bound to being competitive.

And why not? Is it bad?

Others do not want to be tagged as “a competitive”. Frankly, I do not see the reason why.

If that pursuit does not hurt anybody. Then, why not? For me, if a trait pushes you to be a better person, go, do not stop. Being competitive pushes me to always do my best, not to defeat others, but a constant mindset of always trying to out-win myself. I treat this as my everyday practice in giving my all and not settling for mediocrity. I think it is just a matter of intentions.

YES! Do try to develop a winning attitude. Set intentions well. Always try to find, keep, and ACHIEVE a GOAL.

The thing I love about wines is the experience I get there and thereafter.


Though you’re always tempted to gulp it all  down, that’s just not how it should be.


You circle it, smell it, circle it once more, then sip it.


Yes, delayed gratification.


Just like in life and love, when practiced; will surely manifest almost tangible maturity, will (always) work, and yes will always taste better… ahh! 🙂

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April 2009

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