
Posts Tagged ‘London

I consider myself a very lucky person. I wake up every morning without having to worry about what to eat. I’m blessed with fine comforts of not having to do my own laundry, cook my own food or even make appointments with my dentist. For most days, my job requires only four hours of my day. I am surrounded by people who make me laugh, care for and love me. I can travel anytime, anywhere. I can do a hobby anytime. I am well clothed, sheltered, and fed. And yet I have decided, just recently, to leave it all behind. –Oh yes baby, madness.

I think it was early this year that I have become all existentialist again. Somewhere between the “luxury of having it all” I felt lost. I prayed for “something,”  not really knowing what I should be praying for. I just feel I’m losing passion, no purpose.

It was my aunt and mom who introduced me to the whole idea. At first I was very reluctant, why would I want to leave all the comforts I am having here? This was until I realized that maybe this is the “something” I was praying for.

So in a few weeks, I’ll be leaving for Europe – to study business in London. For a year I will bask in cold, strangers, and do-it-yourselves. I know it’s not going to be easy and doing this makes me a bit of a masochist. The line between freakishly scary and unrelentingly exciting is thin, yes. Yet here I am! 🙂

“The crisis is the most blessed situation that may occur for countries and persons alike, because it leads to evolution. It’s during crisis that great inventions, discoveries and strategies are born. Without crisis there is no struggle, without struggle life is a tedious routine, an irksome agony. Without crisis there is no value” ~Albert Einstein

Uhuh Mr. Einstein, I think that’s exactly what I’m looking for- value. Paradoxically, the struggle most of us try to rid, is the exact thing I’m looking for right now to make me whole again. The question is no longer if I’m mad or not, where it takes me, is.

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